Dear Colleagues,
Next Tuesday, April 23rd, at 21h00 (Central European Time) will be the first webinar of EUROPREV e-learning webinars 2019. This is a FREE medical education activity. We will try to debate interesting topics related to preventive medicine from a very practical perspective. During the webinars, participants will be able to participate and share their comments or questions through the chat platform.
Each module will last for 90 minutes. It will be a continuing medical education activity, and for colleagues attending the 6 Modules, a Certificate of Attendance corresponding to a 9-hour training activity will be issued.
You may consult the full program here:
If you are interested in receiving the Certificate of Attendance at the end of the six webinars, you can sign up here:
Next Tuesday you will be able to attend the webinar in the following link:
Carlos Martins
EUROPREV President